Thursday, December 9, 2010

crazyness you should see about wartime photographers

This is graphic, warning to those of you with weak stomachs.

Edward Weston

MU Library TR10w45e48

A legacy he built around the awesomeness he is. said to be one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century, he spans all sorts of genres over his lustrous career giving himself the image of THE american photographer of the modern world. I guess if i were to describe his work, i would say it is exactly what you'd expect out of someone with as much reputation. He made a simple picture of a pelicans wing look like something from outer space, his work is unique to him and thus really hard to mimic. still his images have a feeling that is ecen harder to mimic, this is exactly why i hate when people say some crap like, "its easy to be a photographer" becuase it realy isnt, as scene with edward westons work, truly amazing stuff,r:3,s:0&tx=77&ty=53,r:2,s:0,3579&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=311&ei=mq8BTf3DGMKblgf8zqjnCQ&oei=Ga0BTY02hJ2WB6LJxeQJ&esq=9&page=6&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:157&tx=82&ty=36&biw=1600&bih=837

Joel Sterneld

Mu Library TR 647S81994

Joel Sternfield, responsible for making a good name for the color photographers, using color as his weapon he was able to concrete the color medium as a format for photography.
Once Joel learned the color process, he was able to produce images as stunning as Ansel Adams, but in color.
I absolutely love the format he uses, i imagine that everything i saw as a child was photographed with this style, and thus i feel reminiscent of these pictures, enjoy,100&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=600&ei=gqwBTcjRNcaqlAfp0-3hCQ&oei=gqwBTcjRNcaqlAfp0-3hCQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=94&ty=47&biw=1600&bih=837,r:7,s:0&tx=50&ty=73,100&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=334&ei=gqwBTcjRNcaqlAfp0-3hCQ&oei=gqwBTcjRNcaqlAfp0-3hCQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&tx=117&ty=54&biw=1600&bih=837

Ansel Adams

Mu Library TR 654A341977

Ansel Adams (not a girl) was yet another one of those american photographers that contributed to the understanding of the camera today Along with the fact that he is also known for his photos of the west.
To start, Ansel along with Fred archer both developed the Zone system, which is the way you can determine the right exposer time and contrast, which helps allot when you have a non-digital camera that doesn't meter for you. phew thats a mouthful. AND he produced awesome western images.

Unbelievable pictures, amazing exposures, of course coming form the man that produced the system to get correct exposure. He has amazing landscapes, holy molly. the camera he was taking pictures with was like magical because all of his images are amazing, truly a photographers idol.

now to his photos,r:1,s:0,r:2,s:0&tx=57&ty=82,100&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=297&ei=XagBTZGbNsOblgewxKHaCQ&oei=XagBTZGbNsOblgewxKHaCQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0&tx=106&ty=70&biw=1600&bih=837

Adolf Fassbender

Mu Library TR 653P481997

One of the nicest photographers i have ever seen on print. Not only was he an insanly influential person in the US but he produced some of the most beauiful images i have ever scene. Adolf release a book call the Pictorial Artistry which would become one of the only photo books of its kind. Adolf believed in heavly modifed prints, but becuase he saw nothing but good in the world, all of his images are made to be happy and uplifting. I wish to be able to come up with the concepts like he does.,r:1,s:0&tx=67&ty=77,r:4,s:0&tx=46&ty=54,r:9,s:0&tx=57&ty=52

George Benjamin Wittick

MU Library 0 TR 24 >N6C64

Ben was another american born photographer who started life of as not photographer. He was in the civil war and after decided to take pictures of natives, in a nut shell. Anyway he took all these pics and went on to be the first person to photograph the hopi tribe, and as a result died from a snake bite. the bad part of that story is Ben knew he was going to die from a snakebite because he was told it was going to happen.
as far as his photos go, he was able to capture these native tribes in there homeland and bring these images to the rest of us, which would otherwise not know of there existents. good stuff.

Helmut Gernsheim

Mu Library: Oversize TR 15 G369 2003

Helmut Gersheim born in Germany was a pioneer in historical photography. He went to school for photography and was able to escape Germany with his life before the World War to the UK. there he worked as printer using  all the skill he acquired in Germany.
        Helmut had style without style...i know that sounds funky but if you look at his photos in this book they are all sort of candid, but not. there is meaning behind his work but it isnt as evident as we think. His pictures always seem like they were unexpected, which in turn gave all his picture's a candid feel. This in mind gives all of his media kinda of a focky feel. I might be losing my mind, but i def like  his style. here is some of the stuff he has on the net.,r:0,s:0,r:12,s:0